Mice can be extremely problematic pests around homes and properties. They cause damage by gnawing on materials, contaminating areas with droppings, consuming stored food, and digging burrows near foundations. Getting rid of an existing mouse infestation and preventing future mice invasions requires an integrated pest management approach, including sanitation, exclusion tactics, humane trapping, and using repellents that drive mice away.

One highly effective rat repellent technique is to use noises, sounds, and vibrations that mice strongly dislike. Mice have sensitive hearing and can detect high frequencies beyond human range. Certain sonic frequencies and sudden, loud noises actually hurt mice’s ears or frighten them. Taking advantage of mice’s audio sensitivities and fear reactions to things they associate with predators allows you to scare mice away and make your property inhospitable to them.

Key Takeaways:

  • Stomping, clapping, yelling, and banging pots and pans are effective for scaring mice away suddenly.
  • Ultrasonic devices that produce high-frequency sounds can deter mice without bothering humans or pets.
  • Predator sounds like owl hoots and cat meows make mice scurry away.
  • Blocking potential entry points and removing food sources are key when trying to eliminate mice.
  • Using humane trapping methods and deterrents are preferable to killing mice.

Is It Possible To Repel Rats With Sound?

Yes, it is possible to repel rats and mice using sound. Rodents have a strong sense of hearing and can detect sounds at higher frequencies than humans. Certain sounds at varying frequencies and volumes tend to irritate and scare rodents. Using sounds that rats and mice dislike is an effective and humane way to keep them away from your home or property.

Why Do You Need To Scare Rats Away?

There are several reasons why you may want to scare rats and mice away using sound:

Rats Gnaw On Wood And Cables

Rats are infamous for chewing through wood, drywall, electrical cables, and other materials in and around homes. This can cause severe property damage, electrical fires, and power outages. Scaring them away with sound can deter this gnawing behavior.

Rats Leave Droppings Everywhere

Rats and mice defecate wherever they go. This leaves unsanitary droppings containing bacteria, viruses, and parasites in your home. Sound can make rats avoid nesting in undesirable areas.

Rats Raid Your Food Stores

One rat can eat up to 1⁄2 pound of food per day. Rats get into stored food, pet food, garbage, gardens, compost, and more. Using sound repellents keeps them out of your food sources.

Rat Burrows Can Damage Foundations

Mice dig extensive burrow systems when allowed to establish nests and colonies. These burrows can undermine foundations and make structures unstable. Collapsed tunnels also create sinkholes in yards.

It’s clear that allowing mice infestations leads to many problems. Using sound repellents is one of the most effective DIY methods to get rid of mice and prevent recurring invasions.

Sounds You Can Use To Scare Rats

There are several effective sounds that can startle, scare, and stress out rats to deter them from an area:

1. Sound of Stomping Feet:

Rats are sensitive to vibrations in their environment, and the sound of stomping feet can mimic the presence of a large predator. The heavy footsteps and vibrations caused by walking or stomping on the ground can startle and stress out rats, making them more likely to flee the area. Regularly walking around the area can help maintain the deterrent effect.

2. Yelling At Rats:

Abrupt and loud yelling or shouting can confuse rats and create a sense of danger. This sudden burst of noise can make them quickly scatter away from the source of the sound. It’s essential to use this method sparingly, as constant noise may cause them to become accustomed to it over time.

3. Clapping:

A loud and sudden clap is another effective way to instill fear in rats. The sharp noise disrupts their sense of security and prompts them to avoid the area. Repeated clapping can reinforce the deterrent effect and discourage rats from returning.

4. Sound of a Machine:

Machines like leaf blowers, lawn mowers, shop vacuums, and power tools generate unfamiliar and loud sounds that rats find unsettling. These noises mimic potential threats and can frighten rats away from your property. Regular maintenance chores involving such machines can help keep rats at bay.

5. Your Pet Can Help Scare Rats:

Utilizing your pets as a natural deterrent can be highly effective. Dogs, with their barking and chasing instincts, can terrify rats and drive them away. Cats, through their meowing and prowling behaviors, emulate predators that rats instinctively want to avoid. The mere presence of pets on your property can act as an ongoing deterrent.

6. Scare Rats With Pots And Pans:

Banging pots, pans, or other metallic objects together creates a jarring and clanging noise that rats find unpleasant. This sudden, loud sound can make them retreat in search of a quieter and safer environment. Using this method intermittently can help maintain its effectiveness.

7. Using Ultrasonic Devices:

Electronic ultrasonic pest repellers emit high-frequency sounds that are above the human hearing range but are irritating to rats and mice. These devices can deter rodents from a specific area without causing any disturbance to people or pets. They are a convenient and humane way to keep rodents at bay.

8. Using Recordings of Natural Predator Sounds

Mice have an instinctive fear of the noises made by their natural predators like owls, hawks, coyotes, foxes, cats, and dogs. When mice hear sounds associated with predators, it triggers a strong urge to flee and avoid the area to escape danger.

You can take advantage of mice’s ingrained reaction to predator noises by playing recordings of various animal sounds to scare mice away. Installing speakers connected to devices that can play predator sounds on loop in problem areas of your home or yard is an effective deterrent technique.

Other Effective Ways To Repel Mice

While frightening sounds can drive mice away, it’s most effective to use acoustic repellents as part of a multipronged pest control plan. Here are some other smart tips to eliminate mice:

  • Seal up any cracks or holes so mice can’t enter in the first place. Use steel wool or caulk to close gaps.
  • Clean up any clutter like stacks of paper or cardboard that mice can hide in.
  • Install tight lids on garbage cans and keep them away from the house. 
  • Don’t leave any pet food or water bowls out overnight.
  • Use strong smelling repellents like peppermint oil, garlic, or vinegar.
  • Set humane traps as needed to capture and remove any mice.
  • Keep your yard free of tall grass, brush piles, and other mouse nesting sites.
  • Trim back trees and bushes so mice can’t access the roof or upper floors. 
  • Make sure outside vents and chimneys have tight screens. 
  • Plug the kick space under cabinets with copper mesh.
  • Get a cat – their presence and smell alone deters mice.

With an integrated pest management approach, combining multiple tactics like exclusion, sanitation, repellents, and traps will give you the best results and kick out mice for good.

When To Call An Exterminator For Mice Issues 

While there are many effective DIY ways to control mice, it’s smart to call a professional exterminator if:

  • You have an extensive mouse infestation inside your home walls.
  • Mice continue returning even after thorough home sealing and cleaning. 
  • There is excessive damage due to mice chewing on walls or furniture.
  • You are not comfortable setting traps or handling mice.
  • There is concern about hantavirus from deer mice droppings. 
  • You live in a multi-family building with shared mouse problems.


Licensed exterminators have the specialized tools and training to fully eliminate mouse infestations and prevent their return. Let the professionals handle it if DIY tactics don’t get your mouse problem under control.


Is there a sound frequency that mice hate?

Yes, mice hate ultrasonic frequencies above 25 kHz. These high-pitched sounds are painful and stressful for mice to hear due to their sensitive hearing, so they will avoid areas where these sounds are present. Electronic ultrasonic pest repellers use these types of sounds to repel mice humanely.

How do I scare mice out of my room?

You can scare mice out of your room by making loud, sudden banging noises like stomping your feet, slamming doors, or clapping your hands when you see them. You can also use whistles, air horns, or other noisemakers in your room to startle mice and make them flee. Leave a radio or music playing loudly when you’re away to disrupt any mice and drive them out of the room. 

Why do mice suddenly disappear?

Mice can suddenly disappear from a home for a few reasons. They may abandon their nesting areas if loud noises, smells, or predators make the environment inhospitable. Sealing up entry points like cracks can prevent their return once they flee an area. They also leave if the food and water sources they were relying on are removed. And mouse populations fluctuate seasonally, so numbers naturally decline at certain times of the year.

Can a mouse climb a bed? 

Yes, mice are excellent climbers and can easily scale furniture like beds and couches. They use their small claws to grip surfaces and can climb vertical walls, wires, pipes, and more. To deter mice from climbing on beds, tuck in bed skirts, raise the bed on risers, and keep bedding tightly tucked in. Traps next to the legs can also catch climbers.


Mice can be a nuisance, but safe, humane methods like frightening sounds can encourage them to move out. Ultrasonic pest repellers are an easy way to blast mice with high-frequency noise they hate. Or get creative with natural sounds like banging pots to scare mice away without any complex devices. Along with acoustic repellents, follow prevention tips like sealing cracks shut. With an integrated pest management approach, you can send mice packing for good without risky poisons.