Mosquito season in Las Vegas, Nevada can extend nearly year-round due to the city’s warm climate, but peak activity occurs during the hot summer months. Mosquito populations typically begin to increase in early spring, reaching their highest levels from July through September before declining in October and November as temperatures cool. Understanding the Las Vegas mosquito season timeline and tips to avoid bites can help residents and visitors protect themselves from itchy nuisance bites and mosquito-borne diseases.

Overview of Mosquito Season in Las Vegas

Las Vegas is located in the Mojave Desert and features a hot semi-arid climate, with long, very hot summers and mild winters. The average high temperatures from June through August range from 100-108°F. This hot, dry environment allows mosquito breeding and activity to persist for more of the year compared to other regions of the country with freezing winters.

The main mosquito season in Las Vegas runs from April through October, with peak populations and mosquito-borne disease risk typically occurring between July and September. Mosquito activity begins increasing in April and May when temperatures warm and standing water sources allow breeding. Monsoon rains arrive in late June or July, bringing higher humidity levels that boost mosquito activity.

By October and November, declining temperatures, shorter daylight hours, and less rainfall dramatically reduce mosquito activity and survival. However, warmer microclimates and pockets of standing water continue to support lower mosquito populations year-round. The species Aedes aegypti, a vector of diseases like dengue, Zika, and chikungunya, is able to breed inside homes and withstand Southern Nevada’s milder winters.

Timeline of Mosquito Season in Las Vegas

Follow this general timeline to understand when mosquitoes are most active in the Las Vegas valley:

Early Spring (March – May)

  • Daytime highs reach 70-90°F.
  • Overwintering adult mosquitoes become active and lay first batches of eggs.
  • Irrigation, leaking pipes, and spring rainfall create breeding sites.
  • Mosquito populations start increasing but are still relatively low.
  • West Nile virus transmission risk is low but begins increasing.

Summer (June – August)

  • Hottest time of year with highs of 100°F or above.
  • Monsoon arrives, increasing humidity and rainfall.
  • Standing water peaks, fueling mosquito breeding and activity.
  • Mosquito populations reach annual highs.
  • Highest risk period for mosquito bites and West Nile virus.
  • Cases of Zika, dengue, chikungunya also possible.

Late Summer/Early Fall (September – October)

  • Temperatures remain hot but gradually decline.
  • Monsoons taper off, with less frequent rainfall.
  • Breeding sites start drying up as days shorten.
  • Mosquito numbers drop but can still be bothersome.
  • Risk of mosquito-borne diseases decreases but continues.

Fall/Winter (November – February)

  • Cooler temperatures with highs of 60-70°F.
  • Very little rainfall occurs.
  • Fewer daylight hours limit breeding and activity.
  • Hard freezes reduce mosquito populations to low levels.
  • Aedes aegypti mosquitoes can still breed indoors.
  • Greatly reduced risk of mosquito bites and diseases.

Factors That Influence the Mosquito Season

The length and severity of Las Vegas’ mosquito season depends on a combination of environmental factors and seasonal events that affect breeding and survival.


Warmer temperatures allow mosquitoes to breed faster and become more active. Cooler temperatures in fall and winter dramatically reduce mosquito activity and die-offs. Sustained hard freezes (below 32°F) can decimate populations but are uncommon in Las Vegas.

Rainfall & Humidity

Rain provides standing water breeding sites. Humidity supports mosquito survival and flight activity. Monsoon rains from July-September create ideal conditions for population growth. Drier conditions in fall limit breeding areas.

Daylight Hours

Shortening daylight hours in fall signal mosquitoes to stop seeking blood meals and breeding. But warmer areas can still support daytime biters like Aedes aegypti.

Standing Water

Mosquitoes need stagnant water to breed. Spring irrigation, leaks, monsoons, and flooding provide ideal breeding grounds that fuel summer population peaks. Declining water sites in fall crashes populations.

Mosquito Control Efforts

Clark County and local municipalities support mosquito surveillance and control programs. Efforts like source reduction, larviciding, and public education can reduce overall activity and disease risk.

Mosquito Species in Las Vegas

Over 15 different mosquito species have been documented in Clark County. The most common backyard biters include:

  • Culex tarsalis – Primary vector of West Nile virus. Most active at dusk and night.
  • Culex quinquefasciatus – Dominant pest mosquito that readily enters homes. Night biter.
  • Aedes aegypti – Invasive daytime biter. Can transmit dengue, Zika, chikungunya. Lives near humans.
  • Culiseta incidens – Aggressive biter and major pest mosquito. Prefers irrigated areas.
  • Anopheles freeborni – Important malaria vector. Found near agricultural sites.

The Culex species that transmit West Nile virus are most active at dawn and dusk. Aedes aegypti preferentially bite during the day. Knowing species behavior helps plan protection strategies.

Mosquito-Borne Diseases in Las Vegas

Mosquitoes can transmit a variety of diseases through their bites. The main mosquito-borne diseases found in Clark County include:

West Nile Virus

  • Caused by infected Culex mosquitoes.
  • Usually mild symptoms but can lead to brain inflammation or encephalitis in rare cases.
  • 43 cases and 1 death reported in Clark Co. in 2022 through October.
  • Risk highest during peak mosquito months but can occur year-round.
  • No cure or vaccine available, so prevention is key.

St. Louis Encephalitis

  • Related to West Nile virus and transmitted by Culex mosquitoes.
  • Similar symptoms but typically less severe.
  • Sporadic cases reported in NV. Outbreak of 44 cases in Clark Co. in 2015.

Western Equine Encephalitis

  • Rare but life-threatening disease spread by Culex mosquitoes.
  • Last reported human case in Clark Co. was in 2007.

Dengue, Zika, Chikungunya

  • Transmitted primarily by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.
  • Dengue is common in tropical regions but isolated local cases found in NV.
  • Zika and chikungunya cases reported from travelers but local spread is rare.
  • Daytime mosquito precautions recommended due to presence of Aedes aegypti.

While malaria and yellow fever are not present, traveling to an area with these diseases warrants extra mosquito protection measures upon return to prevent local transmission.

Mosquito Bite Symptoms

Mosquito bites can cause itchy, annoying reactions on the skin. Typical symptoms include:

  • Raised red bump or welt
  • Itching, sometimes intense
  • Stinging or burning at the bite site
  • Swelling around the bite area

Mosquito saliva injected during biting causes these reactions in sensitive individuals. Intense scratching can break the skin and lead to secondary infections. The best way to avoid discomfort is to prevent mosquito bites altogether.

When Do Mosquitoes Bite?

Mosquito biting behavior depends partly on the species:

  • Dusk/dawn biters like Culex are most active for 2-3 hours before and after sunrise/sunset.
  • Daytime biters like Aedes aegypti prefer morning and late afternoon but will bite anytime.
  • Nighttime biters like Culex quinquefasciatus peak after full darkness.
  • Shade and lower light levels support biting at all times of day.

Mosquitoes detect carbon dioxide, body heat, and scents to home in on hosts to bite. When not actively feeding, they rest in cool, humid areas like grass and foliage.

Tips to Avoid Mosquito Bites in Las Vegas

Use these strategies to lower your risk of mosquito bites during peak season:

Eliminate Standing Water

Drain or frequently refresh water sources to remove breeding sites:

  • Empty water that collects in plant containers, tires, buckets, pool covers, etc. weekly.
  • Clear clogged roof gutters and drain flood irrigation pools.
  • Fill or drain depressions, puddles, and tree hollows after rainfall.
  • Clean and chlorinate pools, fountains, and bird baths.
  • Water gardens and lawns carefully to avoid standing water.

Install Screens

Keep mosquitoes outside:

  • Use tight-fitting screens on all doors and windows.
  • Repair holes in screens to keep mosquitoes out of the home.

Avoid Peak Hours

Limit time outdoors during peak biting times:

  • Stay inside at dusk, dawn, and early evenings when Culex mosquitoes are most active.
  • Avoid spending extended time outdoors in shady spots during daytime.

Wear Protective Clothing

Cover up with long sleeves, pants, socks and closed-toe shoes when outside.

Use Insect Repellent

Apply EPA-registered repellents like DEET, picaridin, IR3535, or oil of lemon eucalyptus:

  • Always follow label directions carefully.
  • Reapply if outside for long periods.
  • Do not apply repellent under clothes or to eyes, mouth, cuts, or irritated skin.
  • Use formula appropriate for age if applying to children.

Use Fans

Cooling fans help keep mosquitoes away from backyard gatherings.

Employ Mosquito Traps

Traps like the Mosquito Magnet attract and trap mosquitoes. Place according to manufacturer directions.

Hire a Pest Control Company

Professional mosquito control services can spray barrier treatments, apply larvicide, and interrupt breeding on properties.

How to Report Increased Mosquito Activity

Contact the Southern Nevada Health District’s Mosquito Surveillance Program at 702-759-1633 to report new significant sources of standing water that could breed mosquitoes, or areas of increased biting activity. The public plays an important role in identifying problem sites.

The Health District also has a Fight the Bite campaign to educate residents. Report dead birds to help with West Nile virus monitoring since dying birds can indicate circulation. Their website provides up-to-date information on mosquito-borne disease activity and prevention tips.

Individuals should contact their doctor if experiencing symptoms like high fever, confusion, neck stiffness, severe headaches, tremors, muscle weakness, or vision loss as these could indicate mosquito-borne illness. Prompt diagnosis allows early treatment.

Role of Local Mosquito Control Agencies

The Southern Nevada Health District and municipal public works departments coordinate mosquito surveillance and control efforts. Activities include:

  • Monitoring mosquito populations through weekly trapping.
  • Testing mosquito pools and dead birds for diseases like West Nile virus.
  • Applying larvicides to standing water breeding sites.
  • Spraying EPA-approved ultra-low volume insecticide mists from trucks in targeted areas when needed to control adult mosquito populations.
  • Maintaining a Mosquitofish hatchery. The fish eat mosquito larvae and are stocked in sources like decorative ponds.
  • Providing public education through campaigns like Fight the Bite.

These measures help reduce overall mosquito activity and disease transmission risk. Residents should report nuisance hot spots or suspected breeding areas to facilitate control efforts.

Long-term Mosquito Control Tips for Homeowners

In addition to temporary mosquito control measures, some landscaping and home improvements help reduce mosquito populations on your property over time:

  • Install aeration fountains and stock decorative ponds with mosquitofish.
  • Avoid overwatering lawns and gardens to prevent puddles and soggy areas.
  • Level and improve drainage from depressions, sumps, and swales where water collects.
  • Screen rain barrels and water tanks to prevent access.
  • Prune overgrown vegetation to open up shady, moist areas where adult mosquitoes rest.
  • Replace water in bird baths at least weekly.
  • Repair leaking faucets, pipes, and sprinklers promptly.
  • Fill in tree rot holes and hollows that hold water.

Talk to your local nursery or landscaper about additional plants and design features that limit moist, shaded areas favored by mosquitoes in your yard.

When Does Mosquito Season Really End?

Mosquito activity finally starts to wane as temperatures decline in late October and early November. However, infrequent rainfall events can extend the season until the first hard freezes arrive, typically in December. While mosquito abundance drops dramatically in winter, populations never fully go to zero in the Las Vegas climate.

Larvae and eggs in protected microhabitats, and insulated adult mosquitoes, can overwinter and repopulate as temperatures rise in spring. Aedes aegypti populations decrease in homes during winter but readily rebound indoors as outdoor mosquitoes decline.

So while the worst of mosquito season ends by November, year-round vigilance is required to limit exposure to bites and disease. Monitoring properties after rain or irrigation, draining standing water, protecting living spaces with screens, wearing insect repellent, and prompt reporting of increased activity to control agencies will keep populations in check during our nearly endless mosquito season.


The long, hot summers and sporadic rainfall throughout the year in the Las Vegas valley create ideal conditions for mosquitoes. Populations typically begin to increase in early spring, reaching peak levels during the hot and humid monsoon months of July through September before gradually declining in October and November. But warmer microclimates allow mosquito activity to persist nearly year-round.

Residents and visitors should take measures to avoid mosquito bites and eliminate breeding sites on properties throughout the seasons. Keeping informed on mosquito activity trends, diseases like West Nile virus, and utilizing personal and home protection strategies can greatly reduce annoyance levels and lower the risks posed by mosquitoes in the Las Vegas area.