Scorpions are amazing little creatures that have been around for hundreds of millions of years. Their ability to survive and thrive in harsh environments is due in large part to their incredibly efficient metabolisms, which allows some species to live for over a year without eating a single meal! In this blog post, we’ll take a detailed look at scorpion physiology, behavior, and habitat to understand how these arachnids are able to pull off this remarkable feat of survival.

An Overview of Scorpion Biology

Scorpions are predatory arthropods that fall under the class Arachnida, making them close relatives to spiders. There are over 2,000 known scorpion species found on every continent except Antarctica. They are characterized by their two claws (pedipalps), eight legs, exoskeleton, and segmented tail that ends with a venomous stinger.

Despite their fearsome appearance, scorpions are actually quite small, measuring between 1-8 inches in length depending on the species. They have a very simple anatomy, with a centralized nerve cluster but no true brain or lungs. Instead, scorpions rely on book lungs located on the underside of their abdomen to breathe. They also utilize a circulatory system, digestive tract, and excretory system similar to other arthropods.

Scorpions are well-adapted for life in warm, dry environments. They are nocturnal hunters who use the cover of night to seek out prey like insects, spiders, and lizards. Once caught, the scorpion will crush and liquefy the prey with its pedipalps before consuming it. They are able to survive in deserts and thrive in more tropical regions across the globe.

Scorpion Metabolism Enables Survival Without Food

One of the most amazing things about scorpions is their ability to slow their metabolism to near undetectable levels. This gives them the ability to survive for months without eating a single meal!

The way scorpion metabolism works also has benefits not seen in other animal species. Scorpions essentially shut down their digestive systems during starvation periods, which allows them to survive on the barest minimum of energy expenditure.

Their metabolic activity becomes extremely efficient and fulfills only the basic functions equivalent to the liver, kidneys, and pancreas found in more complex organisms. By slowing their metabolism to a crawl, scorpions are able to live off stored fat reserves and waste very little energy on unnecessary bodily processes.

This kind of slowed metabolism can allow certain scorpion species to survive over a year without food before finally starving to death. In comparison, most mammals and other arthropods would perish after several weeks or months of starvation. The scorpion’s ability to essentially shut down and “hibernate” while alive allows it to become the ultimate survivalist of the animal kingdom!

How Long Can Specific Scorpion Species Live Without Food?

Different scorpion species have demonstrated an incredible ability to live without eating for extended periods of time:

  • Emperor scorpions: These large scorpions native to Africa are able to survive up to 12 months without food by reducing their metabolic rate and activity levels.
  • Desert hairy scorpions: One study found that these scorpions from Israel can survive over a year in the lab without eating. They are well-adapted to food scarcity in the wild.
  • Giant desert scorpions: These impressive scorpions found in North Africa and the Middle East can survive up to two years without food by lowering their metabolic rate by over 95% during starvation.
  • Bark scorpions: One of the most common scorpion species in the southern U.S., bark scorpions can survive many months without food by reducing their activity levels and metabolic rate.
  • Deathstalker scorpions: These dangerous scorpions native to North Africa and the Middle East can live up to 12 months without eating.

Other scorpion species likely have similar capabilities, but have not been specifically studied in starvation conditions. Researchers continue to be amazed by the scorpion’s shutdown ability and survival tenacity.

Scorpion Behavioral Adaptations for Survival Without Food

In addition to their incredible metabolic adaptations, scorpions have evolved a number of behavioral and physiological adaptations to help them get by when food is scarce:

  • Reduced movement: To conserve energy, scorpions that are starved tend to move around much less than normal. They’ll find a stationary sheltered spot and remain there inactive for months.
  • Hunting continues: Despite having the ability to shutdown their metabolism, scorpions will still strike quickly to catch prey that wanders by during the starvation period. This allows them to get a meal and revive themselves when the opportunity presents itself.
  • Cannibalism: When severely starved, some scorpion species will resort to cannibalism to survive. Larger, older scorpions may eat smaller juveniles that can’t defend themselves when food is scarce.
  • Eating molted exoskeletons: Scorpions periodically shed their external skeletons in a process called molting as they grow. When starved, scorpions will actually consume their freshly molted exoskeleton to recycle proteins and regain precious nutrients.
  • Reduced gestation: Female scorpions that become pregnant can actually speed up gestation of the young when resources are scarce. This is thought to increase the chance of offspring survival.
  • Eating dead insects: Scorpions aren’t above scavenging dead insects when severely food deprived. The neurotoxins in their venom allow them to safely consume insect carcasses that could make other animals sick.

Habitat Plays a Role in Scorpion Survival Capabilities

While all scorpions have the capability to slow their metabolisms, the length of time they can survive without food depends heavily on their habitat:

  • Temperature: Scorpions living in extreme heat adapt better to lower metabolism and food scarcity. Cooler temperatures increase their energy requirements.
  • Aridity: The drier the environmental conditions, the less energy scorpions need to expend to conserve water. Wetter environments lead to higher metabolism.
  • Food availability: Scorpions that live in resource-poor deserts are better adapted to long starvation periods than scorpions from lush, tropical habitats.
  • Competition: Scorpions in highly populated environments face more competition for limited food. This selects for species capable of surviving longer without eating.
  • Cannibalism opportunities: Species that live in high densities have more opportunities to resort to cannibalism during starvation, improving the colony’s overall chances.

So while all scorpions have an incredible ability to endure food deprivation, the local habitat plays a key role in determining just how long specific species can persist. Those living in harsh, arid climates tend to be the most resilient record setters.

Dangers Associated with Scorpions and Starvation

While scorpions may be adapted to survive for extraordinary periods without food, humans should still use caution when dealing with these arachnids:

  • Venom toxicity: Some scorpion species have highly potent venom that can cause severe reactions. Seek immediate medical attention if stung.
  • Aggressive when hungry: Scorpions actively on the hunt after long periods without eating may be more likely to sting. Avoid direct contact with scorpions found out in the open.
  • Attracted to food sources: Hungry scorpions drawn to human food sources or trash cans around homes have a higher likelihood of encounters with people. Eliminate scorpion attractions.
  • Pest control: Only try to exterminate scorpions yourself if you have proper training and equipment. It’s often best to hire professional pest control services if the need arises.
  • Pet scorpions: Owners of pet scorpions need to be mindful of periods of food refusal. Make sure hydration and environmental factors are optimized during these starvation times.

While scorpions use their survival abilities to adapt to nature’s harshness, their incredible resilience can sometimes put us humans at increased risk of encountering these intimidating predators!


Scorpions truly are fascinating creatures that have evolved over millions of years to thrive in environments where food is scarce. Their ability to reduce their metabolism to almost zero while still maintaining basic functions is an incredible feat unmatched by almost any other animal.

Next time you think about how long you could last without eating, remember the scorpion that can live over a year without a single meal! It just goes to show the remarkable diversity and adaptability of life on our amazing planet. Scorpions have carved out a successful niche for themselves thanks to their specialized adaptations that allow them to weather long periods of food deprivation. Their survival skills are a testament to the power of evolution and natural selection.